Wednesday 24 November 2010

The above is another poster I used for the exhibit. I was really pleased with it but totally terrified about hanging it up. I hope if I keep blogging about my work, talking about my work & showing my work it will become a less of a terrifing process and more of a joy.

It's a really interesting experience making work about a difficult aspect of myself. The majority of images I make I make during very dark periods of depression as a way of pulling myself round. The very act of taking a photograph is an acknolagement by the photographer that everything is fleeting. We wouldn't need to "capture" the moment if it was always going to be in front of us. Taking photographs while depressed reminds me the awful way I feel won't last and that is hope worth hanging onto. Once the depression has lifted (and it always does) the images serve as a reminder that I can go through hard times and not drink and that hard times pass. There is no criticism that can be made about my work that will ever come close to what I hear in my head while the work is being made. However just because I'm not worried about what you think of my work doesn't mean I'm not I still worried what you're going to think of me.

The general impression I got was people thought I was brave (a little crazy maybe) but over all they were impressed by my honesty.

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