Tuesday 30 November 2010

Addicted Exhibition 3rd - 9th October 2010

On the day I went in to Made In Newcastle to put up my work it had been two years since my last drink. I couldn't believe how much my life and I had changed since then. I was sharing the exhibition space with a lovely couple and there work was so beautiful I worried what mine would look like next to there's. They were a great help when it came to hanging my work and they put me at ease.

One of them asked if they were right that my work was about addiction. I said that it was but it wasnt a subject I'd just picked out of the air that my work was about my own addiction and that I'm now free from it. My mouth then ran away with me and I start saying I was sorry that their beautiful work had to hang next to mine. He stopped me and said that art was about truth and that what I had made was a powerful truth about myself and I should be proud of it. I wish I could remember his name but the day was so overwhelming I just went into auto pilot.


While volunterring at M.I.N I got an email asking if I'd help make a short film. I rememberd what my friends had said before started at Made In Newcastle. Saying yes today to something thats happening soon doesnt mean I have to do it today. I have time to build up courage. So I said yes and I'm really glad I did. Only one person in the group had known me during my drinking days and they hadn't known me well. I had a clean slate with this group and if I kept my witts about me (which I did) I could keep it that way.

September at M.I.N

Back in July a friend was having an even at a little place called made in Newcastle. I had a lovely afternoon looking at all the handmade clothes, candles, comics, cards, artwork and eating loads of cake. One of the girls at the shop asked if I was an Artist. I make and occasionally sell art but does that make me an artist? I have no idea. I told her I take photographs which didn't really answer the question because my mum took photos of us as children but I doubt she'd say she was a photographer or an artist.

It was explained to me that I could join the collective if I wanted and exhibit my work. All I'd need to do was contribute to the shop in some way. My answer was "Oh no thank you but I couldn't possibly". I'd just started an 8 week meditation course that was geared around anxiety management because I have periods when I'm afraid to leave the house. Putting work on walls, helping in a shop, talking to people all sounded terrifying and impossible. I was however at that moment surrounded by people who care about me one of whom over heard the conversation. He said I should go for it. I thought he was mad and made my way around the party looking for someone who would agree that I couldn't possibly do it. The thing about true friends is they wont tell you what you want to here. Not one person said I shouldn't do it so I grudgingly and I mean grudgingly agreed to think about it.

I decided that I'd try my best and booked an exhibition slot and some volunteering dates. I spent my days at the shop practicing the anxiety management stuff I'd been learning in my meditation classes. I got through them without frightening any customers. I found it hard to talk to the girls working at the shop because while they were talking to me I was saying "breath in, breath out." over and over in my head. Smiling and nodding is an art when you can hear your heart pounding in your chest. I only did one day a week a couple of times, then it got too much for me but I'd chipped in so I could do the show.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Dan Dan the Steel Pan Man

Pan-Omenal Steel is one of the bands my friend Dan plays in. He asked me to come along to take some pictures & I was really grateful to be asked. I first met Dan in the pub the Pan-Omenal Steel were playing in front of. I used to work there and I helped set up the band nights. Dan was in one of the first bands that we got in. I loved their band's rendition of John Agard's poem Half Caste. Sadly for them they introduced it as being from their GSCE English syllabus so they couldn't get served after that.

Couple of years later Dan started working in my drinking hole. He'd kept up with his music but I'd lost the taste for everything apart from drinking. I love the life I have today. I love loving music again. I love loving photography again. I love being sober. I still have to really work at it though.

Pan-Omenal Steel play Whitley Bay 7th August

Polished & Therapy at Hand Open Day July 31st 2010

I was invited to the launch party for a friends new business. I'd loved hearing her talk over coffee about all the work that was going in to setting up the shop. She's a well established nail technician but this is the first time she's set up her own place. Her enthusiasm is really inspiring. I offered to bring my camera along and take some photos for her. I had such a good day even though the battery in my camera kept running out. The little shop was packed with people all day and everyone seemed to be having such a good time. From time to time my anxiety levels raised and I panicked that I'd have a panic attack. A quick glance across the room at my friend really grounded me. The day was a real success.